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  4. Core RC Pro Silicone Ball Diff Grease -HiViscosity
Pro Silicone Ball Diff Grease -HiViscosity

Core RCCRE-CR872

CHF 8.30
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Pro Silicone Ball Diff Grease -HiViscosity

Hersteller:Core RC
Erschienen im:Mai 2024

Extensively tested by our engineering department and factory race team to have you covered for all applications.

Supplied in larger than normal 10ml pots.

Distinctive CORE RC branding keeping your pit area on point.

A Silicone Ball Diff Grease with& High Viscosity (HiVis).& It has a longer polymer chain than the original CR753 - CORE RC Silicone Ball Diff Grease - LoVis.& For extremely high load applications such as 1/10th Off Road ball diffs.

For use on the main balls and plates of a diff. & Stable and consistent for many runs. & 100% Pure silicone.

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